LES Dancers wore KiRiVOO ties when dancing at London´s Trafalgar Square
Posted on May 20 2016

The London Estonian Society (LES) Folk Dance Group, led by Marje Viilu, surprised London on the 29th April 2016 with a spontaneous display of traditional dance in several locations including Trafalgar Square.
In addition to other old folk dances, the grand performance belonged to “Kikapuu”, which due to its catching nature became a great success. The dance gripped many spectators and was requested to repeat several times.
Along with various engaging dances, the people of London witnessed a showcase of rising Estonian necktie brand KiRiVOO, whose CEO and founder Ines Karu-Salo commented “We are very happy that KiRiVOO attracted the attention of the LES and their instructor Marje, who were great to work with.”
All the events were captured on video by aspiring producer Ott-Erik Eendra, whose company JustFilmin has recently launched in London. Sound recording was kindly provided by Petten Veevo.
Video available here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5FzPW5daIo&feature=youtu.be
The head of LES Folk Dance groups since 2013 and an active member of Estonian Society in London, Marje Viilu has commented the big day with joy and pride, “We had an amazing day with the team filled with positive energy! The girls did an excellent job and I couldn't be more proud! We definitely feel more confident and are looking forward to our next challenges and upcoming projects. Special thanks again to KiRiVOO, whose Estonian ties are now part of our costumes.”
LES Folk Dance girls will be performing next at London Estonian Society Midsummer party on 4th June located at Brentwood, Essex. Soon after that will take place Estonian Women's Dance Festival at Jõgeva, Estonia, on 12th June.
Written by Sirje Viilu.
Press Release, 30th of May: http://estonianworld.com/culture/video-estonian-expats-perform-traditional-folk-dance-at-londons-trafalgar-square/
Londoni Eesti Seltsi rahvatantsijad esinesid Trafalger Square´il KiRiVOO lipse kandes.
Käesoleva aasta Rahvusvahelisel tantsupäeval 29ndal aprillil üllatasid Londoni Eesti Seltsi Rahvatantsu eestvedaja ja juhendaja Marje Viilu ja tema õpilased Londoni linnarahvast Eesti rahvatantsudega. Eesti tantse demonstreeriti mitmetes paikades, kaasa arvatud ühel maailma kuulsamail ja turistirohkemail väljakul Trafalgar Square.
Erilist tähelepanu pälvis igihaljas rahvatants "Kikapuu", mis kaasas tantsima suure hulga pealtvaatajaid, ning suure menu tõttu tantsiti tantsu lausa mitu korda järjest.
Kogu etteastet jäädvustas pildile ja videole Ott-Erik Eendra, kes on Londonis alustavast video produktsiooni brändist JustFilmin ja helilise lahenduse andis Petten Veevo.
Lisaks kaasahaaravatele tantsudele sai rahvatantsijate seljas näha eestimeelse moebrändi KiRiVOO lipse, mis esinemiskostüümi kaunistamiseks kaela seoti. “Tunneme suurt rõõmu, et KiRiVOO looming juhendaja Marje ja Londoni Eesti Seltsi rahavatantsijate tähelepanu köitis ning, et nad lipse nüüd uhkusega kannavad ja laiemalt esitleda aitavad. Meil on koostöö üle suur heameel”, ütles KiRiVOO tegevjuht ja asutaja Ines Karu-Salo.
"Veetsime tõeliselt meeleoluka päeva. Meeliülendav oli näha kui paljudele pakkusid huvi Eesti rahvatantsud ja meie esinemisriietus, " kommenteeris Marje Viilu. "Erilised tänud KiRiVOO'le, kelle rahvuslikud lipsud on nüüd osa meie esinemiskostüümist. LES tüdrukud on õnnelikud imeilusate lipsude üle. Kanname uhkusega neid ka tuleval Naiste Tantsupeol Eestis."
Kirjutas Marje Viilu.